How I RestKit
Note: The post is quite outdated. Please use the manual on the official RestKit project website.
In this short post I’ll show how I use RestKit library in my iOS projects.
First of all, I want to say that for managing all my libraries in iOS projects I use CocoaPods (kind of Gemfile bundler, but for iOS), which I strongly recommend using.
So, RestKit… open up your Podfile
and add
dependency 'RestKit/Network'
dependency 'RestKit/UI'
dependency 'RestKit/ObjectMapping'
dependency 'RestKit/ObjectMapping/CoreData'
dependency 'RestKit/ObjectMapping/JSON'
I also use Injective dependency a lot, so I add dependency 'Injective'
to my Podfile
Next, run pod install
which will download latest RestKit (In my case - version 0.10.0
) and integrate it to your project.
The code
Examples I’ll provide will use RM
class prefix, and API I’ll refer is from my start-up
. First I’ll write examples without data persistancy, than I’ll provide examples how to use CoreData. Also, I add #import <RestKit/RestKit.h>
and #import "IJContext.h"
to my App-Prefix.pch
You can find full source code of the project on GitHub
For initializing Injective library, edit your AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[IJContext setDefaultContext:[[IJContext alloc] init]];
What I also like doing, is initializing RestKit-s logging, so I can use it in my app and changing verbocity level from enviroment variables.
// This goes to application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
Create class RMApiConnector
which we will use for all our RestKit bootstrapping and network connections.
NSString * const RMErrorDomain = @"org.API.ErrorDomain";
@interface RMApiConnector ()
- (void)fireErrorBlock:(RKRequestDidFailLoadWithErrorBlock)failBlock onErrorInResponse:(RKResponse *)response;
@implementation RMApiConnector
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[self setupConnector];
[self setupMapping];
return self;
will add RMApiConnector to singleton collection on DI, so we will be able to access it like
RMApiConnector *connector = [RMApiConnector injectiveInstantiate]
Setting up Object Loader
- (void)setupConnector {
NSString *baseUrl = @""
RKObjectManager *manager = [RKObjectManager sharedManager];
if (!manager) {
manager = [RKObjectManager objectManagerWithBaseURL:[RKURL URLWithString:baseUrl]];
manager.client.serviceUnavailableAlertEnabled = YES;
manager.requestQueue.showsNetworkActivityIndicatorWhenBusy = YES;
} else {
manager.client.baseURL = [RKURL URLWithString:baseUrl];
Setting up Object Mapping
- (void)setupMapping {
RKObjectMappingProvider *omp = [RKObjectManager sharedManager].mappingProvider;
RKObjectMapping *productMapping = [RMProduct mapping];
[omp addObjectMapping:productMapping];
[omp setObjectMapping:productMapping forResourcePathPattern:@"/products"];
RKObjectMapping *shopMapping = [RMShop mapping];
[omp addObjectMapping:shopMapping];
[omp setObjectMapping:shopMapping forResourcePathPattern:@"/shops/:id"];
[omp setObjectMapping:shopMapping forResourcePathPattern:@"/shops/near/:lat/:lng/:radius"];
The mapping itself I store with Models like
@class RKObjectMapping;
@interface RMShop : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *itemId;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *points;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *name;
// Some other properties
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *products;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *rewards;
+ (RKObjectMapping *)mapping;
@implementation RMShop
@synthesize itemId, points; // and others
+ (RKObjectMapping *)mapping {
RKObjectMapping *objectMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[self class] usingBlock:^(RKObjectMapping *mapping) {
[mapping mapAttributes:@"name", @"address", @"distance", @"location", @"points", nil];
[mapping mapKeyPathsToAttributes:
@"id", @"itemId",
@"description", @"descriptionText",
@"distance_unit", @"distanceUnit",
[objectMapping hasMany:@"products" withMapping:[RMProduct mapping]];
[objectMapping hasMany:@"rewards" withMapping:[RMReward mapping]];
return objectMapping;
Creating API requests
Let’s create few requests
- (void)loadNearbyShopsForLocation:(CLLocation *)location onLoad:(RKObjectLoaderDidLoadObjectsBlock)loadBlock onError:(RKRequestDidFailLoadWithErrorBlock)failBlock
NSString *params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects:
@"lat", [NSNumber numberWithDouble:location.coordinate.latitude],
@"lng", [NSNumber numberWithDouble:location.coordinate.longitude],
@"radius", [NSNumber numberWithInt:20], // later change this to accuracy
NSString *url = [@"/shops/near/:lat/:lng/:radius" interpolateWithObject:params];
RKObjectManager *manager = [RKObjectManager sharedManager];
[manager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:url usingBlock:^(RKObjectLoader *loader) {
loader.onDidLoadObjects = loadBlock;
loader.onDidFailWithError = failBlock;
loader.onDidFailLoadWithError = failBlock;
loader.onDidLoadResponse = ^(RKResponse *response) {
[self fireErrorBlock:failBlock onErrorInResponse:response];
What we can see here, is that I’m using block-based API of RestKit. loadBlock
will get array of loaded objects. failBlock
will get NSError
object on error. Also I’m using fireErrorBlock:onErrorInResponse:
helper to get error message from my API
- (void)fireErrorBlock:(RKRequestDidFailLoadWithErrorBlock)failBlock onErrorInResponse:(RKResponse *)response {
if (![response isOK]) {
id parsedResponse = [response parsedBody:NULL];
NSString *errorText = nil;
if ([parsedResponse isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
errorText = [parsedResponse objectForKey:@"error"];
if (errorText) failBlock([self errorWithMessage:errorText code:[response statusCode]]);
} else {
//id parsedResponse = [response parsedBody:NULL];
//RKLogTrace(@"response: [%@] %@\n%@", [parsedResponse class], parsedResponse, [response bodyAsString]);
What if we want to make a POST call? Easy. Just tell the loader loader.method = RKRequestMethodPOST;
and pass NSDictionary
POST params to loader.params
RKObjectManager *manager = [RKObjectManager sharedManager];
[manager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:@"/stamps" usingBlock:^(RKObjectLoader *loader) {
loader.method = RKRequestMethodPOST;
loader.params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects:
@"code", clientCode,
@"products", productsToSend,
What if we don’t need to load any objects? Let’s say we want to make client Authentication.
- (void)authenticateWithLogin:(NSString *)login password:(NSString *)password onLoad:(RKRequestDidLoadResponseBlock)loadBlock onFail:(RKRequestDidFailLoadWithErrorBlock)failBlock
[[RKClient sharedClient] post:@"/login" usingBlock:^(RKRequest *request) {
request.params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects:
@"employee[email]", login,
@"employee[password]", password,
request.onDidLoadResponse = ^(RKResponse *response) {
id parsedResponse = [response parsedBody:NULL];
NSString *token = [parsedResponse valueForKey:@"authentication_token"];
//NSLog(@"response: [%@] %@", [parsedResponse class], parsedResponse);
if (token.length > 0) {
NSLog(@"response status: %d, token: %@", response.statusCode, token);
[[RKClient sharedClient] setValue:token forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-Rabatme-Auth-Token"];
if (loadBlock) loadBlock(response);
[self fireErrorBlock:failBlock onErrorInResponse:response];
request.onDidFailLoadWithError = failBlock;
Integrating CoreData
Great. What about CoreData? Change RMApiConnector’s init method
if (self) {
[self setupConnector];
[self setupDB];
[self setupMapping];
- (void)setupDB {
RKObjectManager *manager = [RKObjectManager sharedManager];
manager.objectStore = [RKManagedObjectStore objectStoreWithStoreFilename:@"HotSpots.sqlite"];
For mapping Managed Objects you do
- (void)setupMapping {
RKObjectManager *manager = [RKObjectManager sharedManager];
RKObjectMappingProvider *omp = [RKObjectManager sharedManager].mappingProvider;
RKManagedObjectMapping *hotSpotMapping = [RKManagedObjectMapping mappingForClass:[HotSpot class] inManagedObjectStore:manager.objectStore];
[hotSpotMapping mapAttributes:@"name", @"city", @"country", @"latitude", @"longitude", @"type", @"zipcode", nil];
[hotSpotMapping mapKeyPathsToAttributes:
@"address", @"street",
@"description", @"details",
@"id", @"hotSpotID",
@"openinghours", @"openingHours",
hotSpotMapping.primaryKeyAttribute = @"hotSpotID";
[omp addObjectMapping:hotSpotMapping];
[omp setObjectMapping:hotSpotMapping forResourcePathPattern:@"app/location"];
Now if Object Mapper will see that the object he’s mapping is a NSManagedObject
he will check the DB if the’r already object with same primaryId. If yes - he’ll update it with new values, if no - he’ll create one for you.